The Biggest Debate In Cancer (That You May Not Know About)


Don’t have time to read? Here’s a quick summary: Scientists debate whether cancer is a genetic disease, or a metabolic disease. Most say that cancer is caused by genetic errors. Others say that it’s a metabolic problem stemming from dysfunctional mitochondria (i.e. the cell’s power plant). This concept of cancer started in the early 1900’s … Read more

Alkalizing The Body: Why It’s Not A Myth Against Cancer

alkalizing the body

Don’t have time to read? Here’s a quick summary: The benefits of “alkalizing the body” is real, in terms of fighting cancer. It’s just explained incorrectly, and it’s benefits are often exaggerated. Cancer cells themselves generate acidic waste. This waste further promotes cancer, and metastasis. When you “alkalize” the body (within reason), your blood stays … Read more